When my mother was pregnant with me, she read a story titled “He sends a hand-kiss”, by Austrian writer Marie von Ebner-ESchenbach.The main character of this story inspired her to name her son. Years later, I decided to translate this story into English to make it available to a wider audience.
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The poet and the phantasy
We often wonder where the poet gets his materials, and how he touches us so deeply. If we’d ask him, he could hardly give us an answer that would satisfy us more than when we would ask a dog how to bark. Even if the poet knew, and if he’d be willing to tell us, this knowledge wouldn’t make us a (better) poet. Now, when I talk about poets I talk not only about writers of poetry but also novels, plays, film scripts or even song lyrics.
Continue reading “The poet and the phantasy”Insignificance
A picture says more than a thousand words. Unless you are blind, then words are all you have.
Even when you are not blind in the physical sense, but merely subjected to the limits of human perception and, therefore, excluded from the infinite possibilities of extra-human experiences this universe has to offer. So long as you are trapped in this human body, this human culture, words are all you are offered and so words are all you can offer in return.
Words which are insignificant on their own – but strung together into sentences, paragraphs, chapters, stories or blog posts they become so meaningful to our human lives and yet so insignificant to the universe!
Michael Moore’s new documentary is so good, environmentalists tried to ban it.
Michael Moore’s new movie is so good, climate activists tried to ban it. Our governments, specially morally bankrupt left/green parties, are selling us a pack of lies. They try to gain voters on the mass hysteria caused by climate change.
As all of Moore’s movies, his latest one is highly controversial, and has been accused of false facts. The fact is though, that forests all over the world are being cut down for biomass. A new biomass burner (fueled with foreign wood) has just been approved in Amsterdam, for example, while the Netherlands are moving away from the much cleaner natural gas which they have in their back yard. They have also reduced the highway speed limit to 100km/h which, of course, mainly helps their statistics and not so much the environment.
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Chernobyl Nuclear Fallout Snowdome
I’ve always had this idea of creating a Chernobyl Nuclear Fallout Snowdome, in memory of those who sacrificed themselves to clean the immediate aftermath, and those affected by the fallout. Nuclear energy intrigued me ever since the accident, 33 years ago today, and there’s more to it than just energy and bombs – nuclear energy, to me, is symbolic to the human condition. We should also cherish it more, because it’s the only way to meet the climate goals we’ve set ourselves.
The Notre Dame and the filthy rich
Some people can never do right can they? I mean the rich, the filthy rich and the embarrasingly rich who have (shame on them!) contributed money to the rebuilding of the Notre Dame the Paris. For once they unhoarded their money (earned by cruelly exploiting the proletariat) for the greater good and promptly became the subject for the next virtual shit-storm: they didn’t save the world! Oh no! Rather than rebuilding a pithy church, I read all over social media, they should have sent the money to Africa in order to end world hunger. But should they really? Let’s think about this a little more before we ‘like’ these posts.
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The church of speed
“Good morning officer”
“Good morning. Driving license please, vehicle identification”
(rummages in glovebox)
“Here you are”
(takes a look at the papers)
“Sir, it took us a while to catch up with you, why were you speeding?”
“Well officer, I was praying!”
Discontent in Culture
Recently I’ve been invited to speak on the radio station ‘Radio v Meste’ to talk about discontent in culture: What are the roots of this crisis and symptoms of a discontent? Could the conflict between a personality and a culture be resolved? This article is the result of research I did on the topic.
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The history of the Legion Bridge
The Legion Bridge (Most Legii) is a beatifull bridge in the center of Prague. It has an illustrious history, strongly tied up with the history of the country, and you can read a short description here.
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When the Donald meets the rocket man..
Tonight, while Europe is in deep sleep, some might have a recurring nightmare of two erratic leaders meeting up. For once, this dream will come true as they snore their way to world peace or total annihilation. Or will everything stay the same after Kim and Donald have a cup of tea? Neither of these scenarios is very likely: the situation on the Korean peninsula has been a stalemate for nearly 7 decades and even before that it was, pardon my french, a bloody mess. Let me explain.
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